Shop Our Categories Search site New KwiltArt Items Quilt Patterns Foundation Papers Quilt Kits Celtic Diamond Quilt Kits Celtic Radiance Quilt Kits Convex Illusions, Poppin' In, Spin Out and Spinning Around Quilt Kits Deep Dimension Cubes Quilt Kits Diamond Ombre Illusions and Curved Ombre Illusion Quilt Kits Elegant Star Quilt Kits KwiltArt Tote Bag & Clock Quilt Kit Luminous Cross Quilt Kits Magic Cube Quilt Kits Memory Trellis Quilt Kits Shaded Stars Quilt Kits Spinning Around and Spin Out Quilt Kits Spiral Motion Quilt Kits Stars in Motion Quilt Kits Precut Kits About Us Contact Us Submit Search Nav Menu 2 Nav Menu 3 Nav Menu 4 Nav Menu 5 Nav Menu 6 Nav Menu 7 Nav Menu 8 Home > Quilt Kits > Memory Trellis Quilt Kit-Blue Alternative Views: Our Price: $59.00 Product Code: 180KA Qty: Description Memory Trellis Quilt Kit - Blue: Memory Trellis is a quick and easy wall art quilt with a removable center. The trellis strips are made with a bias tape maker (with fabric cut on straight grain) and applied to the background with double sided fusible tape (no pin distortion). The center photo is ironed onto fusible foam, binding sewn on and then attached to the quilt top with double sided sticky Velcro. You could use photos printed on fabric, quilt blocks, embroidery pieces, etc. This wall quilt also makes a great wedding gift or baby gift idea that you can continue to change through the years. The pattern includes the template for the trellis for you to enlarge or you can purchase the full-size printed templates from KwiltArt, Item #9060. The Memory Trellis Quilt Kit includes pattern, all fabric for quilt top, fusible foam, Velcro and binding.Confident Beginner Finished Size 42" X 36" Related Items Diamond Ombre Illusions & Curved Ombre Illusion Stonehenge Slate Quilt Kit Magic Cube Quilt Kit-Blue Convex Illusions, Poppin' In, Spin Out and Spinning Around Quilt Kit-Stonehenge Blue Plane Diamond Ombre Illusions and Curved Ombre Illusion Stonehenge Onyx Quilt Kit Our Price: $99.00 Our Price: $99.00 Our Price: $99.00 Our Price: $99.00 Convex Illusions, Poppin' In, Spin Out and Spinning Around Quilt Kit-Stonehenge Slate Magic Cube Quilt Kit-Brown Gold Celtic Diamond Quilt Kit-Blue Spiral Motion Quilt Kit - Brights Our Price: $99.00 Our Price: $99.00 Our Price: $119.00 Our Price: $119.00